By some estimates, the average household socks away as much as 40 percent of its income. 据一些人估计,普通家庭存款占其收入的比例高达40%。
In Greece, Italy and, to a lesser extent, France, unsustainable tax cuts and spending sprees added to households 'estimates of their private wealth relative to their wage income. 在希腊、意大利还有法国(后者程度较轻),不可持续的减税和支出热潮放大了家庭对个人财富相对于薪资收入的预期。
Deutsche Bank estimates that smelting and refining account for four-fifths of the income stream from nickel pig iron. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)估计,冶炼和精炼占到镍生铁收入流的80%。
The Institute for Fiscal Studies in the UK estimates that a fat tax would cost the poor seven times as much as a proportion of income as the wealthy. 英国财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)估计,穷人缴纳的肥胖税占其个人收入的比例可能是富人的7倍。
McKinsey estimates China and India will account for about 70 per cent of regional growth in life assurance premium income. 麦肯锡估计,中国和印度将占据亚洲寿险保费收入增长的大约70%。
Offset by an increase in the same amount in the estimates of income under income; 由收入第1款收入概算增加同等数额抵销;
Revised approved estimates of income; 订正原核定收入概算;
Morgan Stanley estimates it saved$ 1bn from this year's compensation bill by cutting about 10 per cent of its workforce, particularly in areas such as investment banking, fixed income and research, in two waves of lay-offs in January and April. 摩根士丹利估计,公司通过1月份和4月份的两波裁员,裁减了约10%的员工(尤其是在投资银行、固定收益和研究等部门),今年在薪酬方面节省了10亿美元。
Initial estimates by the office of national statistics show that national income declined in the latest quarter by 0.7 per cent, deepening the double-dip recession and heaping more pressure on the already embattled chancellor. 英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)的初步估算显示,上一季度英国国民收入下降了0.7%,双底衰退进一步加深,已经焦头烂额的财政大臣肩上的担子更重了。
Revised estimates of expenditure and income 订正支出概算与收入概算
McKinsey estimates that between 2007 and 2012, tens of millions of households in China will cross the$ 10000 annual income threshold, creating a giant pool of customers who can afford to purchase life assurance. 麦肯锡估计,2007年至2012年间,中国数千万家庭将越过年收入1万美元的门槛,形成一个买得起人寿保险的巨大客户群体。
The Academy shall submit to a person nominated by the governor, at such time and in respect of such periods as the governor may direct, a programme of its proposed activities and estimates of its income and expenditure. 院在督指示的,向督指定的人呈交一份就督所指示的期的院建活及收支算。
According to preliminary estimates, Edinburgh is expected to generate approximately £ 2.2m a year for the city, in terms of income from hosting major new festivals, events and conferences in the city. 据初步评估,爱丁堡在文学产业每年在举办重大节日、活动、会议等方面的收入创造的经济价值约为220万英镑。
The elasticity approach yields more consistent estimates of sectorial output and income potentials than the backward linkages approach. 产出和收入弹性方法在判断产业创造的产出和收入的潜力上得到了一致的估计,而与常用的后向连锁系数方法的结果有严重的分歧。
In order to maximize their own profit, the listed companies usually alter their profits artificially through a variety of accounting estimates methods, changing the accounting policies and the actual management activities to take the edge off the volatility of earnings. This behavior is called Smoothing Income. 平滑收益即上市公司为了自身利益的最大化,利用会计应计项目,通过各种会计估计、会计政策变更和改变实际经营管理活动等手段,人为改变上市公司利润,使其收益波动性减弱的行为。
Second, it use of gini coefficient to compare to indicate changes in income gap, income distribution estimates to measure individual income tax adjusting the effect of income distribution. 二是采用基尼系数的对比显示了居民收入差距的变化情况,用个人所得税对收入分配的测算来衡量个人所得税调节收入分配的效果。
Thirdly, as for vulnerability, the estimates of permanent income are very important, while most researchers only use multivariate statistics and a simple panel model to estimate the earnings function, without considering the problem of data heterogeneity. 最后,脆弱性研究重点是对永久性收入的估计,大多研究者仅仅运用多元统计和简单的面板模型估计了收入函数,没有考虑数据的异质性问题。